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Adult Study Circles


The Adult Study Group is a friendly space dedicated to softening the heart and sharpening the mind.


Throughout the year, Imam John Starling holds a variety of adult study circles to help you navigate the balance between religiosity and spirituality.


Please check our calendar for timings.

Current and previous topics can be found below.

The Seeker's Mainstay/Umdat al-Talib

This study circle is dedicated to discussing the entire corpus of Islamic law according to the illustrious school of Imam Ahmad.

Topics range from worship, transaction, marriage, inheritance, and crime and punishment.


Review or get caught up with the course videos posted here.

Islamic Law Q&A

This study circle will focus on the basics of ritual purification. Subject matter will be delivered in a Q&A format and is based on Imam Musa al-Qaddumi's Elementary Hanbali Primer (Available on Amazon). Topics will include, purification, prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj.



Review or get caught up with the course videos posted here.

Abridged Biography of the Prophet

This study group's aim is to get closer to the Prophet by becoming familiar with his life and the companions around him. This study group is based on the primer text, Abridged Biography of the Prophet and his 10 Companions by al-Hafiz Abdul Ghani al-Maqdisi.



Review or get caught up with the course videos posted here.

The Golden Pendant/Qala'id al-Iqyan

This study group is dedicated to better understanding of the foundations of faith. Topics of discussion will revolve around the corpus of Islamic Doctrine and is based on the classic text, The Golden Pendant by Imam Ibn Balban.


Review or get caught up with the course videos posted here.

The Seeker's Way

This study group has 4 major areas of interest such as the inner dimensions of worship, pursuits of custom, destructive vices, and qualities of deliverance. This study group is based on the classic text, The Seeker's Way as abridged by Abul-Abbas Ibn Qudamah.



Review or get caught up with the course videos posted here.

Commencement of the Worshiper

This concise juristic manual, by the great scholar ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Baʿli, introduces the fledgling disciple to the illustrious school of the great Imām Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal.  This text presents the most common issues pertaining to the rites and rituals of worship i.e. purification, prayer, funeral proceedings, alms-giving, fasting, pilgrimage, and briefly touches on legal rulings and ethics of military service.  

Review or get caught up with the course videos posted here.

Key to the Saintly Path

The following is an English presentation of a small treatise by Imam Ibn Shaykh al-Hazzāmiyyīn (d. 711), a medieval Ḥanbalī scholar and a mystic, entitled: “The Key to the Saintly Path” (Miftāḥ Tarīq al-Awliyā'). In it, he details the practical steps that you can apply in your day-to-day endeavors that will help strengthen your spiritual connection with Allāh Almighty.

Review or get caught up with the course videos posted here.

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